Repatriating Africa: Old challenges & critical insights!

From October 25 to 28, 2023, the 5th Biennial Conference of the African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA) will be held in Lubumbashi, DRC. The theme chosen for this edition is Rapatrier l’Afrique: Problématiques anciennes, perspectives critiques! The conference is organized in Lubumbashi by the Arrupe Center for Research and Training (CARF), University New Horizons (UNH) and Centre d’Art Waza.

Find here the announcement in support of the 5th ASAA2023 Biennial Conference.

Toussaint KAFARHIRE, SJ, PhD, Director of CARF and President of ASAA, Alexis TAKIZALA, Professor Emeritus, Rector of UNH and President of the Local Organizing Committee, Jean-Paul BIRURU, African linguist, University of Lubumbashi, Patrick MUDEKEREZA, WAZA Art Center and Mandela KAUMBA, Archaeologist.

Mjiba Frehiwot is a Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana.
2nd Biennial Conference of the African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA)
Adomako Ampofo, Professeur d’études africaines et de genre à l’Institut d’études africaines de l’Université du Ghana (UG).s