PRE-EVENTS | DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4

Toutes les heures sont exprimées en heure normale de la ville de Lubumbashi, GMT + 2:00.
Les détails sont susceptibles d’être modifiés.

OCTOBER 24, 2023: Pre-Conference : Workshops and Events (All workshops to take place at CARF)

9 – 12:00 AM: WORKSHOPS

1. Publishing Workshop/Atelier sur la Publication
Bokutani: Journal of the African Studies Association of Africa In Collaboration with Journal Work Academy, and African Studies Association UK
Salle: Campus numérique

2. CIHA Blog Workshop/Atelier par le CIHA Blog
Theme: Reversing the Lens on Aid in Africa In Collaboration with the African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA)
Salle: Salle Bibliothèque

3. US Embassy/Kinshasa Workshop/Atelier
Theme: Global Knowledges and African Contexts: U.S. Public Diplomacy Programs
Salle: Grande salle

17.00 – 19.00: Open Society Foundation (OSF) Pan-Africanism debate Faisal Garba – University of Cape Town

Mame Penda Ba, Université Gaston Berger, Sénégal
Mjiba Frehiwot, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
Divine Fuh, HUMA Director, University of Cape Town
Toussaint Kafarhire, S.J., CARF/Lubumbashi

N.B. Meeting Rooms are distributed as follow.

  1. Plenary sessions: CARF main room
  2. Parallel Sessions:
    a. Room 1 – 5: CARF
    b. Room 6 – 9: UNH
  3. Available drivers will shuttle people between campuses
    Contacts: Fifi +243 992 525 765 et Andy +243 997 024 507

PRE-EVENTS | DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4